WHY travel MAKES YOU amazing

WHY travel MAKES YOU amazing

Posted: 03/18/2013 | March 18th, 2013

People always ask how travel has changed me. If I look back at who I was before I began traveling and compare that to who I am now, I would have to say that travel has made me a better and much more well-rounded person. I’m way cooler now than I was at 25 when I first left to explore the world.

Simply put, I’m a lot much more amazing now than I used to be.

In fact, I think travel makes everybody a much more amazing person. We end our travels way better off than when we started. I’m not saying this to be conceited or egotistical; I’m saying it because I believe that travel is something that makes you not only a better human being but a way cooler one too. The kind of person people gravitate toward and want to be around.

You become like the Dos Equis guy.

How and why does travel make you much more awesome? Deixe-me contar os caminhos:

1. much more social – It’s sink or swim on the road. You either get better at making pals or you end up alone, crying each night into a pillow. You learn to make pals out of strangers and get much more comfortable talking to new people. When I first started traveling, I was kind of an introvert and unpleasant talking to those I didn’t know. Now, I’ll happily speak with strangers like we’ve been best pals for years.

2. better at conversation – travel not only makes you comfortable talking to strangers, it makes you better at it too. After talking to people all the time, the same questions get boring. You start to even bore yourself. After a while, you don’t care about where people are from, where they are going, how long they’ve been traveling, and yada yada yada. Those kinds of questions don’t actually tell you anything about the person. You’ll get better at small talk and how to ask interesting questions — the ones that matter and tell you much more about the person.

3. much more confident – You’ve traveled the world. Hiked Mt. Everest. Dived the terrific barrier Reef. Wined and dined that stunning French girl in Paris, navigated unknown cities, and conquered your worry of heights. In short, you did amazing things. how can you not be much more confident? how can you not be sure about your abilities? After accomplishing so much, you’re going to feel a lot much more confident in your ability to achieve anything you set your mind to.

4. much more adaptable – You’ve dealt with missed flights, slow buses, wrong turns, delays, bad street food, and much, much more. After a while, you learn how to adapt your plans to changing situations. You don’t get mad, you don’t get angry; you just alter what you are doing and relocation on. Life throws you curve balls and you hit them out of the park. Por quê? because you’re amazing like that.

5. much more adventurous – When you become confident in your ability to do anything, you do anything. last week in Austin, Texas, despite not liking spicy food, I ate the world’s hottest pepper and some pure capsicum extract. Por quê? porque eu queria. What’s the purpose of life if not to break out of your comfort zone? My mouth was on fire for ages, but I’d do it again.

6. much more easy-going – All those mistakes? They did something else for you, too. They made you much more easy-going and relaxed. Por quê? because you’ve dealt with all those errors and you don’t care. You choose the flow now, because if travel taught you anything, it’s that it all works out in the end and that there’s no need to stress.

7. Sexier – tension causes aging. Those carefree, unwinding days on the road are going to make you much more confident and radiant, and you’ll age slower. You’ll look young and sexy. Unless you are George Clooney, who certainly got better with age.

8. Smarter – Unless you sit at a resort drowning your brain in frozen drinks, travel will instruct you about the world. You’ll learn about people, history, and culture, and arcane facts about places some people could only dream about. In short, you’ll have a better understanding about how it works and how people behave. That’s something that can’t be learned from books; you can only pick it up with on-the-road experience.

9. less materialistic – On the road, you learn just how little stuff you actually need. You’ll realize that all that crap they sell at the mall is pretty useless in leading a really pleased life. Coming home, you’ll find yourself a minimalist simply because you realize what you need to live and what you don’t. As they say, the much more you own, the much more it owns you.

10. happier – travel simply teaches you how to be happy. You’ll become much more relaxed, much more confident, and see the world as a brighter place. how can you not be pleased about life after all of that?

Think about all the famous, successful people in the world. how numerous of these qualities do those people exhibit? Muito. Por quê? because being outgoing, funny, social, happy, confident, and smart are all qualities that make people much more successfulna vida cotidiana.

Viajar faz das pessoas melhores pessoas. Quando você aprende muito mais sobre o mundo e as pessoas, empurre seus limites e tenta coisas novas, você se torna uma pessoa muito mais aberta, extrovertida e incrível. Todas as pessoas que eu conheci que viajaram são pessoas melhores por causa disso.

Com todas as maneiras pelas quais uma viagem pode torná-lo muito mais uma pessoa incrível, não há razão para que você não esteja planejando sua próxima aventura agora-seja em todo o mundo ou apenas uma escapada curta e duas semanas para o México.

Você pode sentar em casa, desejando que estivesse em algum lugar exótico, se divertindo e fazendo algo legal.

Ou você pode ouvir o presidente do Kid, parar de ser chato e faça algo incrível:

A escolha é sua.

Quer muito mais inspiração? Confira estas postagens de leitura obrigatória:

18 lições de 5 anos ao redor do mundo

Por que amanhã é tarde demais

Por que cínicos como Bob estão errados sobre tudo

Como Michael economizou US $ 14 mil em 6 meses

Todo mundo diz que estou fugindo (o muitos post populares deste site!)

Como viajar pelo mundo por US $ 50 por dia

Meu guia de brochura mais vendido do New York Times para viagens mundiais o instruirá a dominar a arte da viagem para que você saia do caminho batido, economize dinheiro e tenha uma experiência de viagem mais profunda. É o seu guia de planejamento A a Z que a BBC chamou de “Bíblia para viajantes do orçamento”.

Clique aqui para saber muito mais e comece a ler hoje!

Reserve sua viagem: sugestões e truques logísticos
Reserve seu voo
Encontre um voo de baixo custo usando o Skyscanner. É o meu mecanismo de pesquisa favorito, porque ele pesquisa sites e companhias aéreas ao redor do mundo, para que você sempre saiba que nenhuma pedra é deixada sobre o uso.

Reserve sua acomodação
Você pode reservar seu albergue com o Hostelworld. Se você quiser ficar em algum lugar que não seja um albergue, use o Booking.com, pois eles consistentemente retornam as taxas mais acessíveis para househouses e hotéis.

Não se esqueça do seguro de viagem
O seguro de viagem o protegerá contra doenças, lesões, roubo e cancelamentos. É uma extensa proteção, caso tudo dê errado. Eu nunca viajo sem ele, pois tive que usá -lo várias vezes no passado. Minhas empresas favoritas que oferecem o melhor serviço e valor são:

Segurança (melhor para todos)

Assegure minha viagem (para aqueles com mais de 70 anos)

MedJet (para cobertura de evacuação adicional)

Pronto para reservar sua viagem?
Confira minha página de recursos para as melhores empresas usarem quando você viajar. Eu listo todos os que uso quando viajo. Eles são os melhores da aula e você não pode errar usando -os em sua viagem.

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